Welcome to Dark Smith Designs

Crafting unusual, dark and macabre pieces of art using various metals. 


Dark Smith Design pieces are handcrafted in the all important garden shed. Based in Leicestershire, I am a lone woman trying to expand my knowledge in metal works, with the hope of soon taking a blacksmithing course to further expand my expertise. As things currently stand everything I have learnt has been self taught, so I am very much learning along the way.
I love dark, macabre pieces and that’s what I aim to create for you all. 
I have also created a blog to document my journey and share my knowledge as well as all the bits that went wrong. 

For You 

Shop Dark Smith Designs

I don’t currently have any items in my online shop, but please check back or add yourself to the mailing list for updates and product releases.

Metalwork Creations

Join me on my journey as I share the ups, the downs and everything I have learnt along the way.


Custom Designs


Custom orders are currently closed, but can be made. Once open please follow the link below and submit your form.