The Starting Point…
Where do I start?
I am never short of ideas, but turning those ideas into a finished product is where I fall short. I’m no natural artist, my thoughts and plans are often way ahead of my practical skills and I become easily frustrated with it. It’s probably for this reason that I lack the confidence to learn new skills, put myself out there and share my work.
This all leaves me feeling very conflicted, but I am still determined to try and make it work.
I am hoping that now I have finally forked out the money for a website and blog that I will have the motivation to go through with it all.
I am not yet convinced that I can turn this into a full blown business, but I have put aside some time to write my thoughts and most importantly my plans and goals. Whilst I am still unsure of where to start there are a few things I know are important to me.
- I love dark, deep meaning art, I would like to create pieces that some in society may see as taboo or shy away from talking about. I think it’s important to show and express this side.
- In terms of materials I am pretty open minded but I have always been drawn to metal and the need to create something that will stand the test of time. For this reason metal work is probably a good place to start for me.
- I want to learn new skills, for my art to evolve over time. Whilst I might have a few favourite pieces I create time and time again, I want to my art to express how I feel at the time, not only will this hopefully come more naturally to me but it should be more meaningful to both me and others.
It’s March 2025, I guess that’s it for now but I am interested to see how this post stands in a few years time. Maybe there was no need for me to worry. Maybe I have achieved my goals, perhaps I haven’t. Or maybe it has sent me down an entirely different path. We will see.